Why is Air Travel to be Avoided, When Options are Available?

We do quite our fair share of air travels here at 'Do Take It Personal', because we spend substantial amount of time exploring big and small corners of the United States to gauge the type of injustice faced by Americans from all walks of life. It is also important to make objective comparisons between other parts of the country and the Southeast Michigan region. Unfortunately, we are increasingly frustrated with all the annoyances that come with air travels.

Let's be perfectly frank here - If you have flown recently, you would probably have had a bad experience because the amount of hassle is downright ridiculous. The so-called 'security' measures are very invasive and even rude at times. It is surprising that anyone would even consider visiting the United States. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is over-powering, exerting tremendous authority to inspect and to confiscate your digital devices such as cameras, laptops, MP3 players, cellphones, PDAs and so on.

It comes as no surprise when we saw on CNN that Americans take 41 Million fewer flights, according to a travel industry survey. It is very hard to deny the fact that more and more Americans are sick and tired of the Federal government ruining the fabric of freedom and liberty so embedded in the very core of our nation's existence. Taxpayers money used to establish and operate the Department of Homeland Security could have been better utilized in many more productive ways. Did you know that as DHS become more involved, more cases of corruption are being exposed? Well, isn't that an oxymoron - Homeland Security itself being so 'Insecure'.

As much as possible, we are making attempts to avoid air travel if viable options are available. Rail travel here in the United States is a joke compared to rail travel in Europe. The only practical option is obviously to drive. But with gas prices as high as they are, that can be prohibitive too. Needless to say, we are definitely looking to find alternatives to air travel whenever possible.

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