Macomb County Ticket Fines Plummet, Threatening Construction of New Courthouse.

We receive a lot of angry e-mails telling us that traffic tickets do not in any way benefit the local enforcement agencies or local district court systems. This notion has been fully addressed in our previous post regarding the distribution of traffic citation revenue. In short, the answer is a resounding Yes! Absolutely - the local enforcement agencies and local district court systems depend on this funds to pad their own pockets and to build new plush offices.

Link to the Macomb Daily's article plummeting ticket fines causing financial concerns over new courthouse.

Link to the same article in PDF format.

Macomb County residents and businesses should be outraged. Those who work and commute into Macomb County should be outraged. Don't forget that rouge cops like David Kanapsky and Stephen Starr are in Macomb County. Everyone in Metro Detroit should be outraged at the simple fact that more often than not, innocent motorists are being preyed on as 'cash cows'. Unfortunately, fighting the ticket is not in your favor at all, because judges and magistrates have none of your best interest at heart.

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