Warren Mayor Jim Fouts speaks out; Roseville Mayor Harold Haugh up next.

It took some time, but Warren Mayor Jim Fouts has had enough of the Warren Police Department's shame clouding the Detroit suburb's image and his administration's reputation.

Warren Mayor Jim Fouts

He spoke to Channel 7 WXYZ's investigative reporter to set the records straight about the many problems plaguing Warren PD's conduct. Previously, we had discussed about the 'Tickets for Overtime' racket, and the 'Bad cops running stop signs' story, here on 'Do Take It Personal'.

Link to WXYZ's Article and Video Clip

It is now Roseville Mayor's turn to stand for his constituents. Roseville, Michigan, is a neighboring Greater Detroit suburb near Warren. The residents of Roseville are primarily working class families facing the same predicament as the rest of citizens in Southeast Michigan. Mayor Harold Haugh has been leading the city of Roseville since 2005. Perhaps he wasn't aware of the traffic violation racket going on in his municipal's 39th District Court, or maybe he knows. Stephen Starr of the Roseville Police Department has been raking up overtime pay, following the footsteps of Warren's David Kanapsky. It is very important that Mayor Harold Haugh and Roseville Police Chief Michael Pachla take swift and stern pro-active actions to remove employees like Stephen Starr before the media airs all the 'dirty laundry' for the entire world to see. Bear in mind that in this YouTube generation of ours, such stories aren't confined to the TV viewing area, and will most definitely go viral across the entire world within minutes!

Roseville Mayor Harold Haugh

Mayor Haugh and Police Chief Pachla, it is now your responsibility and duty to bring back the confidence and trusts of Roseville's residents, voters, taxpayers and constituents, as well as business leaders in the corporate community, to your city leadership and administration.


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