Gas prices and Full-size SUVs.

It is mind-boggling to fathom the thought that as rapidly gas prices has climbed over the past few years, the average American is still attracted to the Hummers, Escalades, Navigators, Jeeps and F-150s. The funny thing is these individuals aren't driving off paved roads, aren't using the additional space for work purposes and are the most vocal groups complaining about the rising cost of gas. These are also the individuals who chose to move out far away from dense urban centers in order to live the "country-lifestyle".

Obviously, living far from where you work, where your kids attend school, where you shop and where you seek entertainment will cost you more in gas money. It should also be obvious that owning a full-size truck or SUV that carries a low miles-per-gallon (MPG) will cost you more in gas money. If you decide to help your finances, you must first decide to do the fundamental things necessary to help the cause. If you do not need an SUV, don't own an SUV. If you do not need a full-size truck to haul large items for work, don't own a full-size truck. Let's face it, gas prices only trend upwards as the demand for oil increases globally. The price of gas may fluctuate over the short term and decline a little every now and then, but all that will be temporary. The best thing you can do for yourself and your family, is to take control of your "carbon footprint".


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