How critically important are rapid transit options in Metro Detroit?

The morale in Metro Detroit and the state of Michigan has been gloomy for a long time. The auto industry, which is the "backbone" of this region, no longer provides the optimism and the peace of mind that residents here depend on. The jobs are being cut, the salaries are being cut, the benefits are being cut - so it is no surprise that even those who still has a job, are having a very hard time making ends meet.

There is no shortage of new entrepreneurial ventures sprouting up in the Detroit area either. However, the ability of getting around conveniently is a serious problem for those unable to afford to drive. As we have discussed in the past, the local district courts and the local police departments are taking advantage of drivers each and every day throughout Greater Detroit. Obviously, this adds to the costs of owning a vehicle ranging from insurance to routine maintenance. It is an issue that Metro Detroiters, unlike their counterparts in other cities, have absolutely no solution for, because of this lack of rapid transit options. The cost of gasoline is quickly becoming a very damaging factor to this city, this state and this nation's economical health. For the milions of Metro Detroiters who commute to work, this luxury is rapidly going away as they tighten their families' budgets.

On top of that, the situation with sprawl is also a serious concern as it becomes more and more difficult to provide city services to an ever expanding "footprint". Due to the automobile culture, commercial development occurred in clusters separated by vast open spaces and distances. This pattern of development is unsustainable. Metro Detroit needs to consolidate into denser communities, and rapid transit is the solution. It is absolutely crucial that Metro Detroiters continue to speak up loudly and collectively for rapid transit, especially in this critical economic times.


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