Bad cops giving police officers a bad name.

It is not unusual to have a few bad apples in any profession. However, when it is a profession that enforces the law, the impact is definitely greater. Law enforcement personnels are held to a higher standard because they chose to be in that role. If they do not wish to adhere, these cops certainly have the freedom to pick a different career.

Following up with our previous post concerning 'Tickets for Overtime', Channel 7 WXYZ has investigated further into the Warren police department's conduct.

Warren police squad cars running stop signs

Although WXYZ's investigative reporter was pleasantly polite to Deputy Commissioner Jere Green, you could imagine how furious the thousands of traffic ticket victims must be after seeing this clip.

Link to WXYZ's Article and Video Clip

The fact that Mr. Green doesn't think that it is a critical issue couldn't be more insulting to the people of Warren. It is in fact a critical enough of an issue that thousands of drivers were being scammed into paying $135 a pop. Bear in mind that the people of Warren and Metro Detroit do not have viable options to get from Point A to Point B besides driving themselves around. There is no rapid transit modes of transportation, such as subways, light rails (LRTs), streetcars, or high-speed commuter trains. So, even the poor and disadvantaged demographic needs to drive to their place of employment, in order to be a positive contributor to society.

Mayor Fouts and Chief Police Commisioner Dwyer need to publicly denounce such behaviors and proceed to terminate these individuals from the police force. Warren and Metro Detroit residents are closely monitoring the course of action being taken, because Southeast Michigan is in enough negative limelight economically and politically. It will take strong leadership, as well as swift and stern punishments to restore the community's confidence and trust. The voters, taxpayers and constituents are not settling for 'business as usual' anymore.


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